Learn How To Communicate With Animals (Level 1)
Have you ever wondered what the animals in your life are wanting to tell you? Imagine for a moment what it would sound like to have a clear conversation with them where you both understood each other clearly and accurately.
What would they tell you?
What secrets would they share?
Are they happy? Are they feeling well?
What is happening from their perspective?
You are invited to join in the upcoming 4 week masterclass series! This fun, enlightening and inspirational series of lessons will teach you how to talk to animals and hear their messages.

3 simple yet powerful steps to communicate with animals
discover your primary mode of communication and how to strengthen this further
specifically how animals communicate and how you can talk with them effectively
how to interpret the different types of messages given directly from an animal’s viewpoint
simple, effective strategies for deepening your intuition through energetic connection
the many joys both given and received when in communication with animals
and much more!…you will receive all Level 1 tools necessary for communicating with animals

BONUS #1: Guided Grounding Animal Communication Meditation MP3
BONUS #2: Journey to Meet Your Animal Spirit Guide MP3
BONUS #3: Aura and Space Opening Sequences MP3
BONUS #4: 7 Surefire Ways to Strengthen The Bond With Your Pet Ebook
BONUS #5: When 2 Hearts Talk Together - How to Effectively Receive & Interpret Emotional Messages From Animals Ebook
BONUS #6: Lifetime access to Marybeth Haines to contact anytime with questions (Value PRICELESS)
Total Value of workshop: $555 CAD
Your investment: $288 group setting | $444 private student
Dates: 4 weeks | Dates: November 13, 20, 27, December 4, 2024
Time: 7:00 - 9:15 pm (Eastern Standard Time | Canada Time Zone)
Where: In person, location: Harmonic Egg Niagara, 2722 St. Paul Avenue, Unit 1, Niagara Falls, ON or online via Zoom
During our time together, we will be working with animal energy and inviting them to be our teachers in learning.
There will be intuition development, fun exercises, healing offerings and more.
A certificate will be given upon completion.

Come join Marybeth Haines as she opens up the world of animal communication and supports you in learning how to communicate effectively with them.
Take your relationship with animals to the next level and watch your connection become even stronger.
And most of all, come have fun in this enlightening and uplifting experience!
Registration is easy peasy! Simply send me an email to say 'I'm in!'
Email me at thegalspeaks@gmail.com! I'll get back to you with the rest of the details!
I hope to see you soon!!
With heart hugs,
Marybeth Haines
The GAL Who Speaks With Animals

PS. If you know of someone who might like to receive this email, please share with them!